It sounds bad as it is but we need to face the truth that nonprofit sector is becoming
competitive. I had conversations with a few of local nonprofit organizations, all of them were seeing other nonprofit organizations that are offering the same services/products, locating in the same area, targeting the same people, having the same value(s), as
partners. My question was "How is the idea treating your organization?"
The results I found in those nonprofit organizations can be categorized into three main focuses, (i) lack of financial supports, (ii) lack of skilled labors, and (iii) lack of public awareness. I will briefly describe each of the issue in this posting.
As an MBA student and marketing apprentice, seeing the competitors as partners will not only limit the organization to differentiate itself from competitors due to lack of competitiveness, but also discourage the clients and donors to support the organization because they cannot distinguish the organization with the rest; hence, they tend to support those organizations they are familiar with or had been using the services or products.
Second issue is most likely to limit only to some nonprofit organizations, lack of skilled labors. My experience volunteering and working for nonprofit organizations, this seems to be one of the most important issue because without skilled labors, the organizations grow slowly, if lucky. In fact, not many nonprofit organizations see the importance of or cannot afford a professional marketing personnel or agency. Some perceive marketing activities as unnecessary expenses. Again, how is that idea treating your nonprofit organization?
Most nonprofit organizations I've been with did not have any issue regarding number of clients because they serve to the local communities where they are located and to a small portion of the communities. But that does not imply that the organizations have solid public awareness because the amount of donations received in the community is relatively small considering size and income of the people living in the area.
I will leave it here for this post as I am planning to write several chapters on these concerns. Although I mentioned these as issues or problems, I do not mean that they cannot be seen as opportunities. I will expand on those in the following postings.
"Shaping The Future of Business"
Follow up with this topic on next Saturday 27th November, 2014
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